margot-adairOur beloved Margo passed away on the afternoon of September 2nd, 2010, in the loving, sustained care of her life partner Bill Aal and a community of dear friends near and far.

Friends at her bedside shared blessings, read emailed messages aloud, sang songs for the journey, and supported Margo as she transitioned out of this life.

Through nine months of pancreatic cancer, Margo remained active in her spirituality and social justice work, bringing her wisdom, love, guidance, and generosity of spirit to key gatherings around the country, including the pivotal U.S. Social Forum in Detroit, where she co-lead workshops with her friend and colleague Starhawk; the groundbreaking Charter for Compassion Conference in Seattle, where she lead the closing meditation; the Strengthing Local Economies Everwhere annual dinner; workshops at the River Farm, and more.

Read the loving posts remembering Margo.